Friday, May 29, 2009

Panas panas panas

Hari telah terajin sangat mengupdate sampai 2 kali. Tapi tah2 tengok, ade lagi 3-4 posts lagi, kite kan tatau mase depan kite macam mane?

ok dah.

My bf just called me telling me about his practicum. He has to go to Kuala Pilah tomorrow morning, and he will be staying there for the whole week. Of course la, saya mmg support dia sgt2 sebab cepat sangat dapat tempat practicum macam abgmlslasayangtapiabgdasentdaresumekatcompanytuhhopefullydapat.

pang pang pang.

Pagi sent, tengahari dapat confirmation sroh datang buat interview. And I was like what? cepatnye. Patu hari ni bagitau, esok dia gi Kuala Pilah tengok site, have to stay there for the whole week and I miss you byk sgt bb, help!


Sedey tak terkira kot hati saya. Tapi sebagai future isteri yg solehah (sile muntah di tepi laptop masing2) support je la walopun hati riso bagai nak rak, nanti rindu gunung ganang like crazy then gado-gado sebab tadapat jumpe.

Tapi takpe la, demi future kami bedua juge (nak muntah nak muntah nak muntah)


Setel pasal dia, hal aku tak setel2 lagi. Mcm tak puas hati tadapat wedges tesebut. Rase nak bakar je kedai terbabit. Hish.

Esok mak kate, kite tengok tempat lain pulak. HOYEAH!

Happy juge hari ni sebab da tayah puasa ganti dah. Alhamdulillah. 5 hari straight puasa, my body shrinking already. Da mmg kurus lahai, kurus lagi anak mak neh. -__-

Saye nak kurus gemuk la!


Nak tengok hagemaru nak tengok hagemaru nak tengok hagemaru.

Addicted dowh.

1 comment:

Famierararara said...

haha..cikgu..i found ur blog!!:p