Tuesday, March 8, 2011

what do you need to know about yangon, myanmar

looking for a place to rest or sight-seeing?

now i sound just like .. ok nevermind.

orang dulu-dulu panggil myanmar, burma. even until now the people labeled themselves as burmanese (ade ke tak word ni macam tade je, haha)

ok before you want to go to any part of myanmar, you have to apply for visa at the Myanmar Embassy at Ampang Hilir. Ala, where all the embassies are situated.

To apply for a visa, fill the form, 2 visas pictures (white background size visa ke mekah), travel ticket and rm80. Wait for 5 days, u will get your passport back. unless you paid rm150, then you'll get your visa within a day or so.

okey guys and girls

hop on the planes, and welcome to yangon, myanmar (tiba-tiba je kan? haha)

1. yangon airport, cosy yet so small. they're trying to improve their airport. baru extension katenye. before this, the airport looked like old building, but now. thumbs up.

2. out from the airport, you'll see chaos. seriously. dalam aman, luar woah. kereta simpang siur and most of the cars are er, old.

3. the cars = taxis.

4. the road is killing me, well, including my family too. haha. bayangkan, jalan bertar tapi tak rata. dalam otak aku hanyalah, mamposlah kalau tayar kereta meletup. sekian.

5. jalan takde lubang tapi sangat mengguris jiwa dan perasaan. their road is badddddddddddddddddd.

6. their drivers are so reckless yet very cekap. takut noks tengok diaorang drive. sumpah killer.

7. ada orang kata (orang kata, ehem) myanmar ni tak membangun. ok. from my point of view, they're slowly progressing. they have a lot of hotels to offer to tourist. there's no worry about accommodation. usually, malaysian choose micasa hotel.

8. micasa hotel is owned by a malaysian. a malay. suka.

9. there are also traders hotel, yangon hotel and others. cari sendiri please ini berdasarkan mata iols je. haha.

10. apart from taxis, there are also cam tuk-tuk taxi tapi muat untuk er..seberapa untuk disumbat. i can say that, almost 15 people inside one taxi siap bergayut 3-4 orang. boleh mati tengok mereka. seram.

11. oh ini penting. semua orang pakai kain pelekat. SEXAYY ;P

12. this include, kids. small kids ya know? pergi tadika pakai kain pelikat. kau tak rasa cute ke? cute gile ok.

13. the currency exchange is higher nowadays. i told ya, they're progressing. makin nak maju. good.

14. their currency? they called em' kyat. or iols panggil kiyat. or chat. or sukahati aku lah.

15. 100 usd = 85,700 (if u're lucky that day)

16. please remember that they only accept a brand new american dollar only. i repeat A BRAND NEW. no torn, no terlipat, no stains or what so ever. no no. only a brand new.

17. if they're not, you have to accept the fact that 100 usd buruk = nilai kyat turun. haha. mungkin dapat 80,000 je. sedih tak noks?

18. but if their money in kyat tu HUDUH like korang nak bakar ke ape, they accept them with open heart.

19. so before you come to myanmar, cakap kat money changer, 'DUIT BARU PLEASE, NO LIPAT, NO KOYAK, NO KOTOR-KOTOR'.

20. myanmar is famous for their GEMS.

21. my mom favorite's place in yangon is BOHJOK (entah spelling betul ke tak). macam pasar siti khadijah minus the sayur-sayur tu lah.

22. i love BOHJOK too. cinta sampai mati (tipu sangat)

23. apa ada di bohjok? GEMS!!!!!! (boleh gila), kain songket versi myanmar, their kains are def. different from indons, cantik ok, baju-baju (biasa), kayu-kayan (came from bago), beg-beg yang full beaded with maniks and stuffs.

24. jika jiwa anda jiwa suka tengok benda cantik, please come to yangon. like right now?

25. if you do so, please go straight to khadijah's shop. boleh dapat harga paling affordable. orang myanmar, muslim dan pandai cakap melayu. PAKEJ tu. mane nak cari.

26. selain dari cuci mata tengok GEMS, siap offer air/makanan lagi. mane nak dapat tu. kan dah kate PAKEJ?

27. at khadijah also, boleh tukar duit. kan dah kate kali ke 3, pakej doeeee. ape lagi ko nak?

28. situ boleh beli, segala ruby, jade, ala segala batu yang kau nak lak. menci la nak taip haha

29. you can custom made everything. dari brooch ke rantai, ke gelang tangan, ke cincin, ke .. ke.. boleh. siap boleh dapat harga terbaik dari ladang. alang-alang boleh dapat free gift. aku dapat banyak je, cincin jed, brooch..

banyak lagi. sambung later on. kerja aku tak siap lagi.


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